Developing the ICT Infrastructure for Africa: Overview of Barriers to Harnessing the Full Power of the Internet - ProQuest

Malgorzata's bookmarks 2018-06-28


Abstract: The synergies of numerous emerging trends are shaping creation, access, use and preservation of information resources. The digital library environment provides scholars with access to more diverse and previously unavailable contents that span myriad technologies across institutions and nations. Although the uses of Internet technologies provide new directions for scholarship, there are discrepancies among nations and regions. These technologies have not been fully exploited in Africa in particular. As research and scientific inquiry depend on both the availability of heterogeneous resources from multiple sources and their openness to easy and continued access, addressing the universal access issue is paramount. This article discusses and provides an overview of some of the barriers or principal factors most likely to influence Africa's efforts in harnessing the full power of the Internet. 


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Malgorzata's bookmarks


oa.ict oa.information_resources oa.technologies oa.globalization oa.african_universities oa.chad oa.congo_democratic_republic oa.atics oa.e-learning oa.universities oa.economics_of oa.hei oa.south

Date tagged:

06/28/2018, 05:35

Date published:

06/28/2018, 01:35