Enabling Open Science through Open Access #cipss17 | CREATe

AThomas's bookmarks 2018-07-12


"CREATe’s first IP Summer Summit (CIPSS’17) gave the unique opportunity to meet and discuss Open Science with speakers with different expertise, including academic, practitioners, governmental and non-governmental bodies and civil society, from all over the world.

On 28th June, a public event titled Enabling Open Science through Open Access Licences, chaired by Dr. Thomas Margoni, illustrated the results of a recent ESRC Impact Acceleration Grant (no. ES/M500471/1). The session, articulated in four main parts, introduced the audience to the complex issue of Open Access licensing and Open Science best practices and presented the results of the IAA project, namely an Open Science fact -sheet and an Open Access FAQ."



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Date tagged:

07/12/2018, 07:01

Date published:

07/12/2018, 03:01