Scanning project makes piano works available | Stanford Libraries

AThomas's bookmarks 2018-09-01


"A pilot project in the Music Library to digitize sheet music and make images available in the SearchWorks catalog has produced its first collection, made up of 140 piano arrangements and transcriptions. Basic records for these items have long been in SearchWorks, and are now greatly enhanced with access to the digital images and options for close examination and download. This collection was chosen for scanning because the paper is too brittle to withstand the handling that results from practice and performance. THe works are also in the public domain, making free, printable, digital files the ideal means of access and preservation...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.arts oa.digitization oa.preservation oa.pd oa.copyright

Date tagged:

09/01/2018, 11:11

Date published:

09/01/2018, 07:11