Open Science | CREATe
AThomas's bookmarks 2019-06-11
"Open Science can be defined as a model of doing science that relies on the concept of openness throughout its life cycle. This includes different aspects such as open access to publications and data (both research- and meta-data), as well as open methodologies, open peer review, free and open source software and much more. Openness is present in all aspects of the scientific enquiry and should be embraced by all actors participating in scientific projects. It has been effectively stated that “Open Science opens up the research lifecycle … It creates a new modus operandi for science, where all stakeholders … are involved and research is organised, linked, verified, facilitated by new technologies and enhanced with collaborative and coordinative activities. Legal barriers in accessing and sharing information and data, as well as utilisation of data-intensive, cost-demanding infrastructures are among the issues that are eliminated with Open Science”. CREATe’s research programme has been focusing on the development of the concept of Open Science and of the tools that will enable a more open scientific environment from a socio-legal perspective."