The OpenAIRE Research Graph - OpenAIRE Blog
AThomas's bookmarks 2019-11-12
"The backdrop: Open Science is gradually becoming the modus operandi in research practices, affecting the way researchers collaborate and publish, discover, and access scientific knowledge. Scientists are increasingly publishing research results beyond the article, to share all scientific products (metadata and files) generated during an experiment, such as datasets, software, experiments. They publish in scholarly communication data sources (e.g. institutional repositories, data archives, software repositories), rely where possible on persistent identifiers (e.g. DOI, ORCID,, PDBs), specify semantic links to other research products (e.g. supplementedBy, citedBy, versionOf), and possibly to projects and/or relative funders. By following such practices, scientists are implicitly constructing the Global Open Science Graph, where by "graph" we mean a collection of objects interlinked by semantic relationships."
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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarksOpen Access Tracking Project (OATP) » AThomas's bookmarks