From Copyright to Copyleft to CopyCovid: An opportunity for democratization of medical education
AThomas's bookmarks 2021-02-02
"The COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease of 2019) pandemic, as modern world’s gravest health crisis, has rapidly required more health facilities and health care providers (HCPs). Education system in general and medical education in particular has also changed dramatically with the school closures. Teaching and learning activities are undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Academicians, HCPs, and medical students has gained new skills and experienced to manage their own learning process online. Many sources became easily reachable, open and free. Open and democratized medicine, as we seen during this pandemic, offers an interactive, egalitarian educational model. Governments, global organizations and companies collaborated in order to keep all students learning and all instructors teaching. Many societies faced with digital divide and exclusion of learners. In this paper we discussed the effect of COVID-19 on medical education at all levels and its’ democratization, and shared our recommendations for sustaining of these achievements after the pandemic."