Breakthrough in copyright law reform confirmed | CILIP

AThomas's bookmarks 2014-05-27


"20 years of hard work by our sector has resulted, at last, in the recognition that copyright laws are out of kilter with the digital age and many of the activities taking place across our libraries, archives, museums and educational establishments, need to be supported by fit for purpose exceptions. This will create legal certainty and achieve a better balance between creators rights and user needs, and in doing this make copyright itself stronger.  The new exceptions to copyright that have just been through the House of Commons and the House of Lords, will gain royal assent in June. They herald a new era where our colleagues across the cultural heritage and educational sectors can at last provide measured and reasonable access to important works from our collections  (including sound and film) without risk of infringements. As part of the Hargreaves Review of IP recommendations, they mean that copyright change for the better, has come into fruition ..."


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Date tagged:

05/27/2014, 16:22

Date published:

05/27/2014, 02:24