The Post-DSM Copyright Report: research rights 

AThomas's bookmarks 2024-02-05


"Granting sharing rights to researchers

Another area where most national frameworks are more favourable to research than the minimum standard set by the DSM [Digital Single Market] relates to the right to share copyrighted materials. Whereas Article 3 of the DSM Directive only covers acts of reproduction, five Member States decided to extend their national TDM exception for scientific research to acts of communication to the public. In addition, 17 Member States also provide sharing rights under their general scientific research exceptions:

  • Sharing rights under TDM exceptions for scientific research: AT, DE, HU, IT, SL
  • Sharing rights under other scientific research exceptions: BE, HR, CY, CZ, EE,  FR, DE, HU, IE, IT, LV, LT, LU, RO, SK, SL, ES

As our interviews with European researchers show, the ability to share research resources is a pressing concern of the research community. This right is essential to permit the verification and validation of the research results, to advance joint and cross-border collaboration, to enable remote access to research resources, and to facilitate compliance with open access requirements. Seeing some convergence in 18 Member States with regards to sharing rights for scientific research is, therefore, highly welcome...."


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Date tagged:

02/05/2024, 10:12

Date published:

02/05/2024, 05:12