Welcome to Write Out: Mapping Possibilities
WriteOut 2018-07-22
Write Out is an online invitation to connect with activities and collaborative spaces for teachers, park rangers, and writers, and is hosted and sponsored by the National Writing Project through a partnership with the National Park Service. It begins today, July 15 and runs for the next two weeks. We invite you to start Write Out with us by mapping possibilities.
Below we have featured activities and prompts to support you in joining in this creative endeavor and to explore possibilities. This open and online collaborative project is designed with multiple entryways for you to engage with historical and natural spaces in your communities. Where your interest takes you is where you should go. Jump in and share at any point.
You may find new and interesting ways to explore the natural resources around you through the principles of Connected Learning. You might also bring the same sense of adventure and exploration to your own learning spaces through place-based writing and making activities. We hope that educators in National Writing Project sites will find National Park sites, and vice versa. And we hope you will search other public spaces around your community too.
Think of the suggestions that follow as virtual rock cairns, suggested markers for pathways but never the only paths possible. It’s always OK to head out into the Wild.
Scheduled Events
While there are many self-directed activities, suggested below, there are also a few online activities scheduled during each week that provide an opportunity to virtually connect, live and “in person.” Visit the Connect page at writeout.nwp.org to learn more.
Coming up this week:
- Tuesday July 17, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm EST—Map with Me: Introduction to Write Out and Mapping Possibilities via Google Hangout
- Thursday July 19, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm EST—Twitter Chat using the hashtag #WriteOut
Travel Itinerary Navigation
Mapping your terrain is both metaphorical and useful. The theme for this first week is Mapping Possibilities because we hope you can find different ways, and different mediums, for making maps to understand and share your place and space. Maps could be physical—say, a route through a forest in a National Park—or conceptual—perhaps a map of your own learning or teaching or understanding—or transactional—you may decide that a map of a lesson plan about open spaces makes the most sense to you.
Whether you have a few minutes, a few hours, or a few days to participate in Write Out, we hope you are inspired to create, have fun, and connect with new colleagues through a variety of experiences. Here are some suggested ‘itineraries’ for participating this week. See the ways to Connect and Resources below for more!
- Geolocate yourself on the Write Out community map.
- Conduct an online search for a map to examine and think about. Use this map tool on the National Park Service website to find a park for example! (Also see #findyourpark for more.)
- Use the National Park Service or National Geographic map apps to explore from wherever you are, and then write out what you found.
- Map your professional development journey as an educator, writing project member, or park ranger.
- Try another idea via these Map-spirations!

Photo Alex von Kleydorff. 06-11-11
- Map out the structure and work of your Writing Project site or your National Park site (maybe you need some map-spiration for this?)
- Take part in CLMOOC’s July Doodle Month, with daily drawing prompts to inspire your creative side and an overall a theme of making maps (share by tagging your doodle with both #clmooc and #writeout)
- Walk a space for 20 minutes, stop and write (personal and/or professional reflections) for 10 minutes; walk 20 more minutes, write for 10 minutes, etc. Explore what emerges.
- Document and share student project-based learning.
- Try some Community Mapping via Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots program.
- Perhaps you decide to use your words as maps. Get inspired with this post: Poems As Maps.
- Or maybe it’s more computational? Check out this idea about creating Math Trails.
- Did we mention? We’d love you to Geolocate Yourself along the way!
- Map out forgotten voices or stories of historical or educational sites.
- Create a visual timeline of a historic event or historic site.
- Design a digital story based on media (image, audio, etc.) that is centered on public space, National Parks, historic sites, writing, learning or some related topic.
- Use StorymapJS from the Knight Foundation to make a map that tells a story
- Create a concept map or map of human connections.
- Use VR creation tools (maybe Social VR if you have Android; or Google Street View app) to make maps for others to interact with and engage.
- As a campers we bet you could use some map-spiration.
- And, of course, don’t forget to Geolocate Yourself too!
There is many ways to connect here at Write Out! You can connect via our live events, via social media, at Writeout.nwp.org, by connecting your own blog, and even face-to-face. Learn more ›
If you haven’t found what you need already, we have gathered some map-spirations and a set of place-based learning and writing resources. Find more ›
And here’s a little extra inspiration from our colleagues in Nebraska:
Good luck with your journeys and see you on the map!
In connected (and geolocated) solidarity, The Write Out Team
Images credits: * finding balance by woodleywonderworks, CC BY 2.0 * map remix by Kristin Lessard, map source in public domain * Wander image via Greetings from East LA project * Trek image via Weir Farm National Historic Site * Overnight image via Homestead National Monument