Getting Ready for Write Out 2020
WriteOut 2020-10-09
Write Out is just around the corner and we can’t wait to see what everyone has to share! We officially start this Sunday, October 11, but we wanted to give you an idea of what to expect.
First, some basics.
As mentioned, Write Out will begin October 11th and runs through the 25th. The theme of this year’s event is Stories Around the Campfire which connects to the National Park Service theme for October. We will share ideas and resources organized around this theme that you can use in your own way, at your own pace. We’ll post here on Sunday, October 11th and October 18th, with writing prompts, video links, and related resources you can use the following week, or even after Write Out ends.
We encourage everyone to share their writing and connect using the #writeout hashtag on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The time commitment and level of participation is flexible—even if you have just 5 minutes, that’s perfect!
Oh, and an important caveat: we encourage you to go out into public spaces near you—if you are working with learners at home, the backyard or front stoop could be a perfect place. No national park needed. Wherever you go to think, learn, and write is exactly the right place to be.
Second, some details.
With Stories Around the Campfire as our theme, here are some examples of what to expect during Write Out…

Daily Writing Prompts with National Park Service Rangers
Ranger Kristin Lessard from Weir Farm National Historic Site in Connecticut asks, “Which building or site in your neighborhood would you preserve for the future and why?”
Storytelling and Making Resources
Poet, NWP Writers Council member, and Little Rock Writing Project Director Heather Hummel prompts young writers (and the young at heart) to create poems about themselves and nature.

And YOU!
We know that you, local Writing Project sites, and National Park Service partners are creating local opportunities across the country. Follow and share with the #writeout hashtag on social media and tap into conversations happening at @writeoutconnect and the Write Out Facebook Group.