Welcome to Week Two of Write Out 2020
WriteOut 2020-10-18
The second week of Write Out begins today, October 18th and will run through to the end of Sunday the 25th. We want to start off celebrating all the wonderful shares over this past week, and also get ready for this week’s big day—The National Day on Writing on October 20th.
Below are more resources to use at your own pace this week—we have new daily prompts from National Park Service Rangers, stories to share and tell from more amazing storytellers, and writing marathon fun. Also, we will feature the KC Storytellers during Wednesday night’s broadcast event for teachers on October 21 at 7p ET/6p CT/4p PT.

We will end the week with an open-to-all Camp Fireside Chat gathering to celebrate Write Out 2020 on Thursday at 7p ET/6p CT/4p PT. Let us know if you are interested in participating!
Keep sharing your writing and connecting with others via the #writeout hashtag—find each other on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. And remember, even if you have just 5 minutes this week, 2 hours one day, or can spend a whole week ahead with us, that’s perfect! We look forward to connecting with you.
Ready? Let’s go…
Inspirations from Week One

More Sparks and Stories for Week Two

Daily Sparks: Writing Prompts with Rangers
Fun daily writing prompt videos to inspire your writing. Respond to the prompts online via #writeout or send a postcard back to the Rangers; they can’t wait to hear from all of you!

Gather Around: Listen to a Story and Make Your Own
Storytelling/storymaking resources for use by your students or park visitors. Share your response and stories online via #writeout or send a postcard/email back to the Storytellers; they can’t wait to hear from all of you!

Writing Marathons for National Day on Writing, Tuesday October 20
To celebrate National Day on Writing, many Writing Project sites, National Parks, and others are holding writing marathons—face-to-face or online! Learn more about how to create a writing marathon, hear from colleagues about writing marathons they have designed, and take the marathon ethos of “I am a writer” into your learning and teaching context. And don’t forget, when posting on the National Day on Writing, use hashtags #whyiwrite in addition to #writeout.
Browse Write Out Bookshelf
Pull a few books or stories off the Write Out Bookshelves to take to your gathering. Featuring a collection of Indigenous Authors, these shelves are filled with stories of nature, national parks, writing outside, and more.

Build Safe Campfires
With Stories Around the Campfire as our theme, we gathered a few things that might be helpful, whether you are creating your gatherings inside, outside, or online.
Place-Based Writing Resources
Over time, Write Out educators have gathered many resources to support writing outside, place-based education, and National Park Service links to support place-based work and writing. Check out the growing collection and find readings, podcasts, and more.

Share #WriteOut Socials and Postcards
Follow and share with the #writeout hashtag on social media and tap into conversations happening at @writeoutconnect and the Write Out Facebook Group. We also have printable postcards available with addresses for Rangers and Storytellers.