What Open Access is and what it is not - DNAdigest.org

mdelhaye's bookmarks 2016-02-17


From the blog post: "What is Open Access and why is it useful?

The scholarly communications landscape is constantly changing. Printed journals have been replaced with electronic publications; authors refrained from using strict copyright rules, such as  “All Rights Reserved” licenses, and shifted to the use of licenses with more flexible rights that allow content re-use, like Creative Commons; finally, creators of scientific content are more willing than ever to share their research findings from their own computers with everyone in the world...."



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » pontika.nancy@gmail.com's bookmarks


oa.new oa.routes oa.social_networking oa.benefits oa.intro

Date tagged:

02/17/2016, 11:21

Date published:

02/17/2016, 06:21