The Benefits Of Open Educational Resources | The Economic Voice
mdelhaye's bookmarks 2016-04-01
" ... Open educational resources have helped provide developing countries with educational support. OER online materials and courses have served as educational resources for teachers in sub-Saharan Africa. This content strengthens teachers' knowledge and helps them impart what they’ve learned to the students. OER even helps teachers in first-world countries. Many U.S. schools employ OER as supplemental resources to curriculum. Kahn Academy, for example, has open-access, in-depth instructional videos and practice quizzes, which help the learner refine their understanding of the subject at hand. Open educational resources are beneficial for self-sufficient learning. An individual may carry aspirations for a career, though can’t afford courses that will give them competency in the subject. They can access academic, online knowledge of their desired subject and teach themselves. Learning resources that relate to computer science and coding will help raise the bar of technological literacy among the general population. This is especially important given the evolution of the workplace, which requires enhanced computer literacy. Employers can direct employees to OER that will help them meet the new workplace standards ..."