Open up! On the Benefits of Open Access Publishing

mdelhaye's bookmarks 2017-02-10


"Ultimately, the consistently documented citation advantage of open access for authors of scholarly works should motivate authors to publish open access and, in turn, increase the accessibility of scholarly works for students, researchers, and the public. However, the financial burden to doing so is still substantial. Given the documented benefits of open access publishing to both authors and readers, it’s about time that authors, readers, publishers, and librarians work together to determine new ways to support open access publishing."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.publishing oa.benefits oa.prices oa.access oa.canada oa.intro oa.hybrid oa.fees oa.citations oa.impact oa.advantage oa.comment oa.obstacles oa.repositories oa.journals

Date tagged:

02/10/2017, 15:48

Date published:

02/10/2017, 10:48