How open is open access research in Library and Information Science? | Chilimo | South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science

mdelhaye's bookmarks 2018-08-25


The study investigates Library and Information Science (LIS) journals that published research articles between 2003 and 2013, which were about open access (OA) and were indexed in LIS databases. The purpose was to investigate the journals’ OA policies, ascertain the degree to which these policies facilitate OA to publications, and investigate whether such texts are also available as OA. The results show that literature growth in the domain has been significant, with a total of 1,402 articles produced during the eleven years under study. The OA policies of the fifty-six journals that published the highest number of articles were analysed. The results show that most articles (404; 41%) were published in hybrid journals, whereas 272 (29.7%) appeared in OA journals. Some 143 (53%) of the articles published in hybrid journals were available as green OA copies. In total, 602 (66%) of all the articles published were available as OA. The results show that the adoption of OA for research articles on that very subject is somewhat higher than in other fields. The study calls on LIS professionals to be conversant with the OA policies of the various journals that may publish their research.


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » mdelhaye's bookmarks

Tags: oa.lis oa.librarians oa.policies.journals oa.negative oa.obstacles oa.hybrid oa.recommendations oa.repositories oa.journals

Date tagged:

08/25/2018, 11:31

Date published:

08/25/2018, 04:55