Nothing is Linear About Open Access Initiatives: Promoting OA at a New Research Institution

mdelhaye's bookmarks 2018-09-30


Every campus appears to be “in the know” when it comes to open access, yet many of us “in the trenches” at our university libraries know that not to be the case. Often what is closer to reality is that there are many pockets of disparate knowledge on campus that need to be harnessed and reconciled in order to truly develop a program that benefits the whole. This poster will describe Rowan University’s current Open Access (OA) and Open Educational Resources (OER) initiatives that conference attendees may use as templates for programs at their institutions. Rowan University’s recent designation as a Carnegie Classification R3 research institution has been a catalyst to propel the university libraries’ many robust, burgeoning OA/OER initiatives. The Campbell Library at Rowan University has been actively working to promote open access in a variety of ways, actively working with both deans and university administration to promote OA projects. We will describe the many efforts that have been established through collaborations and partnerships that have been new for our community. Additionally, we will illustrate some of our outreach events as a way to highlight the topic campus wide. Initiatives to be highlighted include recruiting faculty and student publications for Rowan University’s institutional repository, the addition of OA enhancements to the library website’s discovery services, addition of OA and OER content to the libraries’ website, ongoing education and outreach efforts for faculty and students, including access to resources such as the SPARC website, Open Textbook Network, Open Science Framework, and instruction on the difference between good and bad open access journals.


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Tags: oa.oer oa.advocacy oa.universities oa.hei oa.posters

Date tagged:

09/30/2018, 11:31

Date published:

09/30/2018, 07:31