Appel à projet : "Open Data Impact" - Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération

mdelhaye's bookmarks 2018-10-30


[From Deepl translator] :

The Open Data impact program, led by Fing, aims to mobilize and build the Open Data roadmap for 2025. To this end, it is interested in the question of the impact of open data on society, on private and public organisations and on individuals. As part of the Open Data impact campaign, we are asking ourselves about the generalization of open data and the increase in its impacts. To this end, we have collectively formulated challenges, which we propose to explore this year. We have grouped them into three main themes to make them more readable: - to make people see and want to take advantage of open data, - to develop a "standard" offer adapted to demand, - to reinterrogate the boundaries of open data. They represent neither injunctions nor "set in stone" proposals, but rather a way of setting common work objectives.

The call for projects ends on february 3rd, 2019.


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » mdelhaye's bookmarks

Tags: oa.impact oa.cfp oa.france oa.open_data_project oa.french

Date tagged:

10/30/2018, 12:18

Date published:

10/30/2018, 08:18