Pratiques et usages de ressources numériques pédagogiques (libres) dans l'enseignement supérieur
mdelhaye's bookmarks 2019-03-09
[From Deepl's translation tool] 'In this study, we examine the use, or uses, of digital resources in the context of university education, whether it takes place in person, remotely or in multimodal mode. This study aims to achieve the following objectives: - establish an inventory of teachers' current practices relating to the digital resources mobilized for their teaching; - outline their practices in terms of research and access to information useful for the preparation of their courses; - characterize the knowledge of the digital services offered by tutoring institutions as well as their degree of use; - assess the level of teachers' knowledge of the legal aspects of the reuse of digital content in their teaching; - assess teachers' commitment to the creation, sharing and dissemination of free digital educational resources; - assess, through the information activities described and retained in our questionnaire, whether there is a shared information culture among higher education teachers. The purpose of this report is to provide a summary presentation of the results obtained, accompanied by an initial summary analysis. Our aim is to share these results with the entire scientific community in the shortest possible time, in an open science approach and logic. In a second step, we will rely on these data in order to deliver a more consistent analysis and perspective. Other publications and valuation actions resulting from this study will be subsequently produced and disseminated."