Open Science Angle Throughout the Research Process: From Open Science Policies to Actions at the University of Turku, Finland - Mari Riipinen - OSC 2019 [pdf]

mdelhaye's bookmarks 2019-03-23


Open Science is a movement, megatrend, that is changing the way research and researchers are publicly known, valued and evaluated. It will open up new possibilities for the cooperation among researchers but also between researchers or research institutes and companies, municipalities, citizens etc. Open Science is present and effecting the entire research cycle. However, the discussions and actions still seem to revolve around open access publishing and data sharing. This presentation will reveal how the University of Turku’s open science policies – such as data policy, publication policy and policy for open research cycle – and actions related to these policies have enhanced the open science culture within the university. The steering forces such as international political will, research funder’s and publisher’s policies as well as national initiative will be deliberated. This presentation will discuss the changes in actions and attitudes towards open science that have occurred during the past five years within the University of Turku. Finally, the presenter hopes to involve the audience into discussion on how all these different actions have affected the researcher’s actions in different disciplines.


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Tags: oa.finland oa.open_science oa.policy_reporting oa.universities oa.hei oa.policies oa.policies.universities

Date tagged:

03/23/2019, 12:46

Date published:

03/23/2019, 08:46