Open access : les bibliothèques d’Aix-Marseille Université emploient les grands moyens | Archimag
mdelhaye's bookmarks 2019-03-23
[From DeepL translation tool]Open access: the libraries of Aix-Marseille University use all available means
"A wind of change is blowing over Aix-Marseille University (AMU). This "young" Idex accredited institution, born from the merger of the three former universities of Aix-Marseille in 2012, now forms the largest French-speaking university. Multidisciplinary and open to the world, it has not hesitated to overhaul its organization and equipment in order to modernize itself and maintain its level of excellence. Its libraries, like its documentation centre, are not to be outdone. Multiplying projects, they wanted to put the emphasis on open access, through the implementation of a policy based on reward, which has proven its worth. This initiative was presented at the last annual conference of the OCLC Global Library Cooperative (Online computer library center)."