UKRI Open Access Report - 2018/2019 - Strathprints
mdelhaye's bookmarks 2019-05-18
This report summarises the expenditure of the UKRI block grant received by the University of Strathclyde for the period of 1 April 2018-31 March 2019. The report also details compliance with the UKRI Policy on Open Access, formerly known as the RCUK Policy on Open Access. Overall compliance during the reporting period was found to be 87%. Following an intensive advocacy effort aimed to absorb the historical under spend, the UKRI block grant funding for the period ran out as of mid-November 2018. This resulted in the need to go into the red whilst also restricting the funding eligibility to manuscripts accepted in fully Open Access journals. The Apr 2019-Mar 2019 expenditure figures show this overspend. The overspend was offset as soon as the new 2019/2020 block grant arrived, but we continue to maintain the 'no-hybrid' eligibility policy in order not to exhaust funding again in autumn of 2019.