Towards an Open Access publication workflow for monographs for university presses โ€“ ScienceOpen

mdelhaye's bookmarks 2019-05-21


A first draft of an media-neutral as well as both cost-effective and personnel-efficient publications workflow for Open Access (OA) monograph publishing at university presses is presented. The workflow has been developed as a result of the research project Open-Access-Hochschulverlagat the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Germany. The aim of the project is to develop a sustainable and adoptable workflow to enable universities to publish their publications as OA and printed books simultaneously in a state-of-the-art way and without any restrictions regarding the license, the variety of formats, print run etc.Up to now, we have defined 20 main processes with up to 12 sub-processes which a university press has to consider when publishing OA books state-of-the-art. These processes have been shown on the poster.The arrangement and the arrows between the processes indicate in which order the processes should be ideally organised by the university presses. Since any university may adapt that workflow individually, it includes several possible ways by which an OA book can be published (see process 1 or 3 at the poster). The visualisation of the publication workflow represents only a part of the results of our research project. In addition detailed descriptions for each process have been created, which explain a certain process in depth, e.g. who is responsible for it, what time it takes and what it may cost to complete the process. These detailed descriptions will be published elsewhere.


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Tags: oa.germany oa.workflows oa.books oa.up

Date tagged:

05/21/2019, 09:57

Date published:

05/21/2019, 05:57