Publishing in OA journals : inventory and trends at Université de Lorraine (2012-2018) [in French]
mdelhaye's bookmarks 2019-11-11
Université de Lorraine - Publier dans des revues en accès ouvert. Etat des lieux et tendances à l'Université de Lorraine (2012-2018)
[From Deepl's english] Initiated in a context of developing institutional and government policies in favour of open access to scientific publications, the study presented in this report focuses on the appropriation by researchers at the University of Lorraine of one of the modalities of open access, namely the publication of articles in scientific journals freely accessible online. The analysis covers the years 2012 to 2018 and is based on three data sources: an international bibliographic database (Web of Science), the university's accounting software (SIFAC) and data from a journal distribution platform (OpenEdition). Data from the Web of Science (articles and reviews in open access, with corresponding author affiliated to the University of Lorraine) show a constant increase in the number of articles published in open access with a strong increase observed for the year 2017 (+70%). It should be noted that all disciplinary fields of the so-called "hard" sciences are concerned by this phenomenon, even if the intensity varies from one discipline to another. The increase observed for the volume of articles published over the 2016-2018 period is reflected in the assessment of APC's theoretical expenditure, which stands at nearly €260k for 2018. On average, 23% of articles did not result in the payment of APCs and the range of amounts paid is very wide, with the highest average amount being observed among "traditional" publishers who have launched new open access journals and the lowest amounts among institutional publishers. The analysis of SIFAC data confirmed the upward trend measured theoretically in the first part of the study, while noting that only about 30% of articles identified via the Web of Science are found by this means. Finally, the data from the OpenEdition platform show that laboratories in the Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines regularly publish in journals with open access, but that there is no clear trend in the differences between STM disciples. The collection and analysis of data must continue in the coming years and be supplemented by comparative and qualitative approaches as well as by the launch of similar work on the deposit of scientific articles in the open institutional repository HAL-UL.