RepOSGate: Open Science Gateways for Institutional Repositories [paywalled]

mdelhaye's bookmarks 2020-01-26


Most repository platforms used to operate Institutional Repositories fail at delivering a complete set of functionalities required by institutions and researchers to fully comply with Open Science publishing practices. This paper presents RepOSGate, a software that implements an overlay application capable of collecting metadata records from a repository and transparently deliver search, statistics, upload of Open Access versions functionalities over an enhanced version of the metadata collection, which include: links to datasets, Open Access versions of the artifacts, links to projects from several funders, subjects, citations, etc. The paper will also present two instantiations of RepOSGate, used to enhance the publication metadata collections of two CNR institutes: Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) and Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR).


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป mdelhaye's bookmarks

Tags: oa.repositories oa.italy

Date tagged:

01/26/2020, 08:48

Date published:

01/26/2020, 03:48