An open-access occurrence database for Andean bears in Peru
mdelhaye's bookmarks 2020-09-15
The Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) is listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature; however, the lack of knowledge regarding different aspects of its ecology, biogeography, and abundance hinders the conservation efforts of researchers and managers. To address the high cost of acquiring information and the lack of systematized data, we created a database for records of this species in Peru. We compiled Andean bear occurrence records in Peru for the years 1980–2018 from different sources, including direct observations, indirect observations (footprints, food remains, bear beds and scats), and camera-trap photographs from published literature, gray literature, and environmental impact studies. With collaboration from many colleagues, we obtained 973 records and created an open access database by using the Global Biodiversity Information Facility data repository. We encourage the use, publication, and sharing of raw data from studies and opportunistic observations to gain better knowledge and support for the conservation of the Andean bear and other threatened species.