Doctorant·e·s, bienvenue en science ouverte ! [Doctoral students, welcome to open science !]
mdelhaye's bookmarks 2020-09-17
[From Deepl's French]
You are at the beginning of your thesis and an apprentice researcher? You have heard about open science but have not yet stepped over its frontier or just started exploring its territories? The Passport to Open Science is the guide designed to support you every step of the way, from the beginning of your research to the dissemination of your results! To help you discover good practices and reliable solutions, to show you useful and usable tools, the University of Lille and the Competence and Training College of the Committee for Open Science have produced this Passport to Open Science for you by talking to doctoral students to better meet your needs, and with the help of experts to encourage you to practice open science on a daily basis. You will find the digital version on the website, distributed under Creative Commons BY-SA license, and the printed version at your doctoral school.