10 years on and where are we at? COASP 2018

aanewman's bookmarks 2018-09-24


"Last week, the 10th Conference of the Open Access Publishing Association was held in Vienna. Much was covered over the two and a half days. A decade in, this conference considered the state of the open access (OA) movement, discussed different approaches to OA, considered inequity and the infrastructure required to meet this need and argued about language."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » aanewman's bookmarks


oa.new oa.2.5% oa.events oa.books oa.debates oa.gold oa.hybrid oa.infrastructure oa.business_models oa.versions oa.progress oa.redirection oa.journals oa.platforms

Date tagged:

09/24/2018, 09:18

Date published:

09/24/2018, 05:18