Open Scholar Stars interview series: Interview with Dr. James L. Smith
aanewman's bookmarks 2019-09-06
Real Open Science happens in translation. In the continuous exploration of how the core values of Open Science – such as innovation, transparency, accountability, equity and social-cognitive justice in knowledge production – make sense in our own scholarly practices and in the variety of contexts our work is embedded into. Only by listening to and understanding truly diverse voices can we gain a deeper understanding of the various issues surrounding Open Science in the arts and humanities. By launching the DARIAH Open Scholar Stars interview series, we wish to share a range of perspectives and personal experiences of researchers, librarians, and other practitioners with openness to explore these pathways to the open research culture, to strengthen our communities of practice and to learn how to put things into practice more easily.
In the first episode, we talk to Dr. James L. Smith, Irish Research Council postdoctoral fellow in geography at Trinity College Dublin, editor and Open Access advocate about the many ways in which creativity and openness fuels his scholarship.