eLife’s New Model: One year on | Inside eLife | eLife
EmilyP's bookmarks 2024-02-29
On January 31 2023, we launched our new model for publishing, combining the speed and transparency of preprints with the expert scrutiny and evaluation of peer review. We committed to publish everything that we reviewed. We would publish preprints together with public reviews and assessments. By doing so we would reshape the purpose of a journal. In adopting our new model we hoped to persuade the research community to embrace change. We could help researchers choose alternative ways to share their research, convince institutions and funders to look beyond one dimensional measures, and encourage journals to offer publishing models that embody the principles of open science.
https://elifesciences.org/inside-elife/66d43597/elife-s-new-model-one-year-onFrom feeds:
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