OBF Archiving and Preservation: End of Year 1 Reflections | Copim

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2024-06-03


Barnes, M., Cole, G., & Steiner, T. (2024). OBF Archiving and Preservation: End of Year 1 Reflections. Copim. https://doi.org/10.21428/785a6451.25dbafda

At the close of Year 1 of the Open Book Futures Project, we reflect on the progress made and looking to the future for Year 2. Detailed below is the progress made in further developing the Thoth Archiving Network, a slight rebrand, institutional and generalist repositories on board so far, and the challenges, lessons learned, and future direction of the Network. We also talk about the first year of our National Libraries Network, with a brief summary of what we’ve learned so far.





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oa.new oa.thoth_open_archiving_network oa.books oa.archiving oa.dspace oa.repositories oa.zenodo oa.internet_archive oa.figshare oa.publishers oa.metadata oa.thoth oa.infrastructure oa.libraries oa.libraries.national

Date tagged:

06/03/2024, 05:48

Date published:

06/03/2024, 01:48