Why free ebooks should be part of the plot for writers | Cory Doctorow | The Guardian

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2024-08-20


"You might know that I'm a science fiction novelist and that I release all my books online for free (using the excellent, free and simple Creative Commons licences) simultaneously with their print publication by mainstream publishers (HarperCollins in the UK, Tor in the US).

I've explained at length elsewhere exactly why I do this, so I won't go into detail here, except to summarise by saying I don't think we can stop others from copying – it's a lost cause. Copying is actually wonderful, and I have copied my head off since I first snuck into the photocopy room at my dad's office in 1980. My problem isn't piracy, it's obscurity, and free ebooks generate more sales than they displace...."




08/20/2024, 09:05

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Date tagged:

08/20/2024, 13:05

Date published:

08/18/2009, 09:05