DOAJ in Transition — Interview with Lars Bjørnshauge, Managing Editor | The Scholarly Kitchen
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2013-06-21
Use the link to access the interview introduced as follows: "The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is undergoing a major transition. Earlier this year they spun off from Lund University to make their own way in the world. DOAJ now lists almost 10,000 journals, about half of which are searchable at the article metadata level, with over one million articles available.
They have added many new features and are working on more so I asked Lars Bjørnshauge to talk about where DOAJ is going. Lars was Director of Libraries at Lund University from 2001 to 2011 and founded the DOAJ in 2003. He became Managing Editor of the new DOAJ in January 2013.
Note in particular that DOAJ has just published draft new criteria for journal selection. They are now taking public comments on these new criteria. Their selection criteria have been a matter of discussion for some time. See for example the discussion under my earlier Scholarly Kitchen article on the new wave of gold OA journals ..."