OER-Festival 2016: Rund um freie Lehr-Lern-Materialien - Lehrer-Online
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2016-01-14
[Article translated to English from original German]
"OER Festival 2016: Application started
An application for OER Festival 2016 in Berlin from 28 February to 1 March 2016 is now possible . The festival - under the patronage of the German UNESCO Commission - consists of the components OERcamp , OER expert forum and the award ceremony for OER Award .
Prospective around free teaching and learning materials can be separately for each event or login together . When OERcamp ( 28 to 29 Feb 2016) there will be about 15 workshops in addition to the ad hoc program created locally . The workshops are organized by practitioners and practitioners who worked with free teaching and learning material they have created or disseminated , such as teacher - Online , Edutags , Hamburg Open Online University ( HOOU ) edusharing , ZUM.de , Siemens Stiftung textbook - O -Mat and many others."