OER047: Unterstützung für OER in Sachsen – das Projekt OERsax - OERinfo – Informationsstelle OER
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2018-02-08
Google English: "OER047: Support for OER in Saxony - the project OERsax. Anne Laubner-Rönsberg and Aline Bergert talking to OERinfo about their experiences from the project work.
Experience from the OERsax project shows that there is a grassroots movement of OER-interested teachers, but administrative resource building still needs to be convinced of the benefits and benefits of OER. This and more are reported by Anne Lauber-Rönsberg and Aline Bergert in a podcast with Jöran Muuß-Merholz for OERinfo. In addition, they are convinced that collaborating across disciplines can be invaluable in providing a comprehensive range of counseling and training opportunities. Whether it is possible to establish a permanent structure for OER in Saxony after 18 months of running, may remain open, but the foundations for a committed work are laid."