Finding your OER Champions –Interview with Emerging Technologies Librarian | Model eLearning
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2018-04-18
"Interview with Emerging Technologies Librarian, Amy James
Amy James is an Emerging Technologies Librarian & Assistant Professor at Spring Arbor University (SAU) in Spring Arbor, Michigan. She has a Master’s Degree in Library & Information Science from Wayne State University and currently lives in Jackson, Michigan with her husband and daughter. In addition to her work in the library she also teaches Management Information Systems for the Gainey School of Business. At SAU, she serves on two faculty committees: Academic Technology Committee and Faculty Development Committee. She is an Associate Editor for The Christian Librarian journal and is responsible for the Open Access component of the journal. Her academic and research interests include the effective use of technology in information literacy instruction, library assessment techniques, and the role that libraries can play in providing access to and training on open educational resources.
When did you first become aware of OER?
I first became aware of OER about 3 years ago. I was at a library conference and got into a discussion with some other librarians and learned that many colleges and universities were starting to create OER initiatives or incorporate OER into individual courses with the hopes of increasing its popularity across campus..."