Guide to Creative Commons for Humanities and Social Science Monograph Authors | OAPEN-UK

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2018-08-26



An output of the OAPEN-UK project, this guide explores concerns expressed in public evidence given by researchers, learned societies and publishers to inquiries in the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and also concerns expressed by researchers working with the OAPEN-UK project. We have also identified a number of common questions and have drafted answers, which have been checked by experts including Creative Commons. The guide has been edited by active researchers, to make sure that it is relevant and useful to academics faced with making decisions about publishing.


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks


oa.jisc oa.humanities oa.guidelines oa.licensing oa.libre oa.books oa.ssh oa.creative_commons


Ellen Collins, Caren Milloy, Graham Stone, James Baker, Martin Paul Eve, Ernesto Priego

Copyright info:

CC BY 4.0 --- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license

Date tagged:

08/26/2018, 19:40

Date published:

08/26/2018, 15:40