Consultation on the European Open Access Strategy “Plan S” | EuroScience

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2019-01-22


Dear EuroScience members, As new EuroScience President, I am strongly committed to increasing our efforts to associate you, the EuroScience membership, in our action and thereby to strengthen significantly the role of EuroScience as a grassroots organization representing “Your Voice on Research in Europe”. I encourage you to participate actively and will be asking you regularly in this connection to provide your views on issues of importance for scientific research and innovation in Europe. In the current context of vibrant and lively debate on the future of scientific publishing, the EuroScience Governing Board has decided to launch a consultation of our membership on the essential issues surrounding the agenda on open access publishing of research.   I am therefore writing to you today as members of EuroScience to help us prepare our response to the public consultation on the European Open Science Strategy “Plan S”. Consultation on this issue of the EuroScience membership base, which is composed of researchers and science professionals from all research fields, sectors of society and geographical areas, is particularly relevant, since publication practices differ widely among the various research domains and research systems in the countries of Europe. Discussion of “Plan S” was initiated during the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) in July 2018 in Toulouse (France), in the presence of Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, and officially launched in September 2018 with support of a vast coalition of institutions known as “Coalition S”, spearheaded by the non-profit organization Science Europe and encouraged by the European Commission. You can find details and complete documentation of the “Plan S” strategy on the “Coalition S” website. The objective of “Plan S” is to bring about full and immediate Open Access to all research publications resulting from publicly-funded research, and the “Plan S” strategy launched in September 2018 announced 10 basic principles to apply in achieving this objective. “Coalition S” published in late November 2018 a note entitled “Guidance on the Implementation of Plan S” and opened up this guidance document for public consultation. Both the “Plan S” strategy and the “Coalition-S” guidance document are available on the “Coalition S” website or for your convenience on the EuroScience Google Drive. Our association, EuroScience, has endorsed the principles of “Plan S” and announced that we will contribute to the consultation on implementation. The consultation, launched by “Coalition-S”, asks for response to two questions for feedback on the guidance document :

  1. Is there anything unclear or are there any issues that have not been addressed by the guidance document?
  2. Are there other mechanisms or requirements funders should consider to foster full and immediate Open Access of research outputs?

I hereby invite all of you, EuroScience members, to send your comments, suggestions and remarks on these questions to the EuroScience Office via the online Survey Form. The calendar for the consultation is very tight and we encourage you to respond at your earliest convenience. We promise to examine and consider all responses received prior to 6 February 2019 in preparing our response as EuroScience on your behalf. Among the issues to consider are differences in publishing practices, affordable publishing for researchers from all countries and cost reduction for the publishing process as a whole. Please indicate with your response your research field and the type of organization in which you work. The final consensus document from EuroScience, based on your input, will be validated by the EuroScience Governing Board and published on our website. I thank you most sincerely for your interest and engagement. I am looking forward to receiving your contribution. Best regards, Michael Matlosz, President of EuroScience


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01/22/2019, 17:54

Date published:

01/22/2019, 12:54