Briefing: SPARC Europe analysis of the revised Plan S - SPARC Europe

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2019-06-13


After several months of seeking community feedback, cOAlition S recently released a revised version of its principles and guidelines for implementation of Plan S, an ambitious initiative aimed at hurrying the shift to a fully Open Access academic research environment - by 2021. In the days since it published, SPARC Europe has dug deep into the new document, analysing the key changes. We are sharing the results of this analysis in the attached report. We urge you to read and share it so that we all may contribute to the success of Plan S.

Download the report 


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Tags: oa.sparc_europe oa.plan_s oa.guidelines

Date tagged:

06/13/2019, 04:21

Date published:

06/13/2019, 00:21