Project Manager: Library Publishing Workflows | Educopia Institute

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2019-07-08


Project Manager Exempt full-time position* 24-month contract

Job Purpose

This position will be responsible for project coordination and daily management of project activities for the Library Publishing Workflows project, a two-year effort funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Through a partnership between Educopia Institute, the Library Publishing Coalition, and 12 partner libraries, Library Publishing Workflows aims to investigate, synchronize, and model a range of workflows to increase the capacity of libraries to publish open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journals. Among other deliverables, the project will create workflow models that other libraries can adopt and adapt.

Job Responsibilities Include


  • Establishing and maintaining strong, ongoing communication among project participants, including staff, advisory board members, partner libraries, and other stakeholders
  • Establishing and maintaining communication structures to facilitate peer mentoring within the partner cohort
  • Helping to prepare and distribute outreach communications, including website and social media
  • Documenting and communicating project findings and accomplishments in a timely and professional manner

Scheduling and logistics: 

  • Managing project schedules and ensuring that the project meets relevant deadlines
  • Scheduling and assisting with partner interviews
  • Making logistical arrangements for the in-person project meeting in Detroit


  • Creating initial workflow documentation based on interviews
  • Assisting with the development of the workflow template
  • Assisting with the creation of final workflow documentation


  • Collecting and reporting analytics related to project and program activity
  • Assisting with the analysis of initial workflow documentation
  • Providing research assistance to advance project objectives



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks

Tags: oa.libraries oa.publishing oa.workflows

Date tagged:

07/08/2019, 16:13

Date published:

07/08/2019, 12:13