Vocabularies in SSH research practice: SSHOC launches a survey to discover and map them | SSHOPENCLOUD

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-05-21


Social sciences and humanities research practices are rather diverse from one discipline to another but also from one country to another. This fragmentation is also very much present in the use of vocabularies in SSH throughout Europe. 

To overcome this gap and better grasp this diversity, there is a need to question this research community to understand their current practices in terms of vocabularies’ use. It is through this analysis that we will be able to suggest and offer harmonised practices to allow a unified access to research contents.


That is the reason why the SSHOC project is organising a survey, reaching out to all researchers in every discipline of the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). Starting on February 10th 2020, the survey will then run for three months, thus ending by April 30th 2020.

--> Update: Deadline extended to 31st of May  

The objective of this survey is to collect as much feedback as possible, in order to discover which vocabularies are the most commonly used in SSH research practices, define a methodology to map them, and align as far as possible with the SSHOC Reference Ontology (Task4.8). The SSHOC Vocabulary Survey will result in an interesting and detailed analysis, to be released on December 31st 2020.




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Date tagged:

05/21/2020, 10:35

Date published:

05/21/2020, 06:35