Thinking Experimental Publishing: introducing COPIM Work Package 6 | Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-07-23
COPIM’s Experimental Publishing and Reuse Work Package wants to promote the publication of experimental books and emergent genres of scholarship, while examining those technologies and cultural strategies that are most effective in encouraging the interaction with and reuse of open access book content. However, rather than building our own tools for experimental publishing, our work is focused on examining ways to more closely align existing software, technologies, workflows and infrastructures for experimental publishing, with the workflow of open access book publishers and with the infrastructures that COPIM is creating. As part of this, we are creating a set of pilot cases of experimental books (including by ScholarLed presses Open Humanities Press and Mattering Press) which will try out some of those existing tools and technologies, a process which we will document along the way. In this post we want to explain a bit more about what we’re doing, how, and why.