Policy, Practice and Permission | Open World - blog by Lorna M. Campbell
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-09-11
I’ve been thinking quite a lot about open policy this year, and I want to take a moment to try and put some of these thoughts into writing.
Despite, or perhaps because of, the global pandemic, there have been some significant policy developments in the broad domain of open knowledge this year. In April, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, UNESCO issued a Call for Joint Action to support learning and knowledge sharing through Open Educational Resources (OER). This call builds on UNESCO’s Recommendation on Open Educational Resources, which was approved towards the end of 2019. Elsewhere in the open knowledge domain the Wikimedia Foundation has been undertaking its own Movement Strategy exercise to shape the strategic direction of the movement, and outline the processes required to enable Wikimedia to achieve its goal of becoming the essential infrastructure of the ecosystem of free knowledge by 2030.