Relaxed Pedagogy: Relaxing Teaching and Learning in the University | The post-pandemic university

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-09-13


[...] we propose to imagine HET grounded in a Relaxed Pedagogy (RelaxPed). With RelaxPed we think about an intersectional approach that draws together principles and practices from disability and neurodiversity culture and critical pedagogy; one that is specifically grounded in neurodivergent and disabled learners’ and teachers’ ‘being and behaving’ inside and outside the classroom. Grounded in our own (intersectionally) neurodivergent and disabled teaching (and learning) experience, we imagine RelaxPed to be critical, solidary, engaged and hopeful, as well as formed by decolonial, black disability, queer and feminist pedagogies; an approach that crips the classroom, and that embraces “unruly bodies,” horizontality and non-linearity.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks

Tags: oa.teaching oa.learning oa.universities oa.access oa.neurodiversity oa.disability oa.feminism oa.hei oa.neuro oa.dei

Date tagged:

09/13/2020, 07:37

Date published:

09/13/2020, 03:37