UKSG 2021 Annual Conference online! CfP extended to Sept 30 | UKSG
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-09-16
UKSG 2021 is scheduled to be held on the 12-14 April. The Trustees have taken the decision to move the conference entirely online – both live and recorded – due to uncertainties around the pandemic and our ability to keep our attendees safe, despite the vast efforts the Harrogate Convention Centre has been putting in place. Our thanks to the professionals at the Convention Centre for their work and support - we hope to go back there for a future event.
We will be working with our online provider to ensure an exciting series of both live and recorded events, and to ensure a vibrant exhibition with networking opportunities.
Suggestions are invited for topics for plenary sessions, breakout sessions and lightning talks. In all cases, we welcome suggestions of speakers alongside topic ideas. Details can be found here: