Democratizing knowledge for conservation: Oryx becomes open access | Cambridge Core

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-10-02



When the journal we know today as Oryx—which was first published in 1904—was renamed thus in 1950 and its volume number restarted at 1 to mark the change, its authors and readership were largely restricted to the membership of the Fauna Preservation Society, as Fauna & Flora International was then known. The renaming of the journal was just one of several momentous changes that it has undergone in its nearly 120 years of publication. Oryx remains available through personal subscription to members of Fauna & Flora International, but is now also available online at more than 8,000 institutions worldwide. We remain uncomfortable, however, that the most recent articles published in the journal, and the journal's archive, are inaccessible to many conservationists, scholars and natural historians. It is time for further change.

It gives me great pleasure to announce, therefore, that in January 2021 Oryx will undergo perhaps the most momentous change in its history: the move to full open access publication. To ensure the continuation of the journal's contribution to conservation scholarship, there will be three major changes. Firstly, the material published will be freely available to read online for everybody with a suitable internet connection, no matter where they live or work, thus removing inequities of access. Secondly, to help support this, there will be an article processing charge, which is usually paid by the authors' institutions or funders. Thirdly, publication will be under a Creative Commons licence, rather than a traditional transfer of copyright to the journal's proprietor; this may include the right for others to reuse, adapt or redistribute the article, depending upon the licence chosen by the authors. The move to open access will also ensure that Oryx remains available to the increasing number of authors mandated by their funders or institutions to publish in open access journals.




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10/02/2020, 14:23

Date published:

10/02/2020, 10:23