Do researchers use open research data? Exploring the relationships between usage trends and metadata quality across scientific disciplines from the Figshare case | A. Quarati, J, E Raffaghelli, 2020 -- Journal of Information Science

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-10-05


Abstract: Open research data (ORD) have been considered a driver of scientific transparency. However, data friction, as the phenomenon of data underutilisation for several causes, has also been pointed out. A factor often called into question for ORD low usage is the quality of the ORD and associated metadata. This work aims to illustrate the use of ORD, published by the Figshare scientific repository, concerning their scientific discipline, their type and compared with the quality of their metadata. Considering all the Figshare resources and carrying out a programmatic quality assessment of their metadata, our analysis highlighted two aspects. First, irrespective of the scientific domain considered, most ORD are under-used, but with exceptional cases which concentrate most researchers’ attention. Second, there was no evidence that the use of ORD is associated with good metadata publishing practices. These two findings opened to a reflection about the potential causes of such data friction.


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Tags: oa.reuse oa.figshare oa.metadata oa.repositories oa.disciplines oa.assessment

Date tagged:

10/05/2020, 06:46

Date published:

10/05/2020, 02:46