COPIM Experimental Publishing Workshop - Part 1: Inhibitions Towards Experimental Book Publishing | Community-led Open Publishing Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-10-19
Over the summer, the COPIM experimental publishing work package hosted an online workshop on Future Book Imaginaries: Mapping, Connecting, Developing, with leading practitioners, theorists and technologists (representing cutting-edge platforms and technologies), brought together by a shared interest in experimental forms of publishing and in reimagining the academic book. In the workshop we collaboratively explored how to better enable the production and publication of experimental books; and what is already out there to support this. Interested in facilitating knowledge exchange between publishers and technologists, we were seeking to understand the inhibitions towards experimental publishing by authors and publishers, along with ways to encourage exploration and uptake of experimentation.