The puzzling hunt for Open Access | University of Essex Library
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-10-20
In this hunt for Open Access, we are in the future. It is 2120, and all research is published with no costs for readers or authors. This is called Diamond Open Access. Back in 2020 it was different, and making research available for free could be... well, expensive or time consuming.
You’re probably wondering why you've been asked to take part in this hunt for Open Access. As a supporter of Open Access, I need your help. A villain has locked away all research here at the University of Essex, and is threatening to lock away all the research in the world. Your task is to stop them, unlock the research, and make everything free to access again.
There is a rumour that there are two ways to make everything open again: the Green and the Gold Route. You must start by solving the clues for both routes before you can begin unlocking the research.
The puzzles will start as soon as you hit begin. Good luck!
(You may need a pen and paper to help you with the game, so do grab one now before beginning!)
Estimated time to complete: 25-30 minutes