Financial and technical support for open access scholarly journals | Kungliga biblioteket - National Library of Sweden
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-10-21
A study within the remit of the National Library’s national coordination mandate for open access to scholarly publications (Study 4) - National Library of Sweden
The study is based on the need identified in the proposal by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) for national guidelines to further investigate how technical and financial support to journals may benefit open access publication. The existing scholarly journals are an essential component of Swedish scholarly communication. Many of these have established their credibility over a long period of time, while others have been established in order to meet new needs. Out of the approximately 250 journals included in thesurvey, one fifth existed before 1950; the median year for start of publication is 1998. A transition to an open access publishing system presupposes a prudent transition, where established publishing channels are provided with favourable conditions for the continuation of their business operations. When necessary, these are supplemented by new ones. It is important that Swedish journals are afforded opportunities to join in the transition to an open access scholarly publishing system. This study indicates paths for this transition and identifies infrastructure and practical changes required in order to achieve the government’s objective.
The study focused in particular on the attitude of editors towards open access and the responses fluctuate between enthusiasm and scepticism. Many view this as yet another set of requirements that are difficult to implement. In order for a transition to be successful, the solutions and forms of assistance offered must be attractive enough to provide a motivating effect for the transition.
The main concerns expressed relate to funding, production, dissemination, and storage of digital and openly accessible journals. In order to ensure the survival of scholarly journals in the long term, investments will be needed within all these areas.