Sketching a direction of travel: An update from Work Package 2 | COPIM
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-10-22
Work Package 2 is invested in addressing a key question: how can open access book publishers better collaborate with scholarly libraries? This is the question that we have explored over a series of project workshops – all online due to Covid – which have involved representatives from scholarly libraries in both the UK and the US. These workshops have been incredibly valuable for us, and we would like to take the opportunity to thank all those who have participated.
We have already highlighted how the two US workshops — one in May, one in July — shed light on a range of topics, including issues of the discoverability of open access content in library catalogues, concerns about the sustainability of open access publishing, how important it is for open access initiatives to both involve stakeholders in their development and to clearly articulate their values and for these to align with those of their stakeholders, and the need to reimagine the system of scholarly communication to be more diverse and inclusive.
The UK workshop in June very much echoed these themes, and drew insights from colleagues working in the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium, University of York, University of Cambridge, University of Sussex, University of Salford, Maynooth University, Birkbeck, University of London, Loughborough University, as well as other institutional representatives who have chosen to remain anonymous in project outputs.